SEVENSEAS Travel Magazine – January 2021 – Issue 80

Cover Issue 80 January

Feature Destination

Feature Destination: Costa Rica Expands Cocos Island National Park & Bicentennial Marine Management Area

Trevally fish swimming in Eastern Tropical Pacific Seascape, Cocos Island, Costa Rica

The President of the Republic, Carlos Alvarado, and the Minister of Environment and Energy, Andrea Meza, signed Friday the Decree No. 43368-MINAE, “Expansion of the Cocos Island National Park from an area of 2,034 kmto 54,844 km2 and the Bicentennial Marine Management Area from an area of 9,649  km2  to 106,285.56 km2.” Read more…

Costa Rica First Country in Continental Americas to Implement Green Fins Environmental Standard

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The Reef-World Foundation, the National System of Conservation Areas (SINAC) and Misión Tiburón are delighted to announce that Costa Rica has joined 13 other countries globally to implement the Green Fins initiative — a UN Environment Programme initiative. Read more…

Conservation Photography with Karim & Jack

Three Humpback Whales – Under the Waves with Karim Iliya

Moray Eel – Photo Taken in Palau – Jack’s January 2022 Underwater Photograph

What’s In Our Newsroom

Ocean Hope Chronicles: Hands-On Hope at Project Puffin

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In 1970, as a graduate student and instructor at the Audubon Hog Island Camp in Muscongus Bay, Kress learned that puffins had flourished on a nearby island, Eastern Egg Rock, until the 1880s. Hunted for food and decorative feathers, the puffin colony had been extinguished. In his book, Project Puffin. Read more…

Reef-World Launches Green Fins Crown-of-Thorns Sea Star CleanUp Guideline

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The Reef-World Foundation – the international coordinator of the UN Environment Programme’s Green Fins initiative – has launched new guidelines to help dive and snorkel operators assess when to conduct Crown-of-Thorns sea star (COTS) cleanups and how to do so in an environmentally friendly way. Read more…

8 Fascinating Marine Biology Podcasts You Should Listen To

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Marine biology is one of the most fascinating science and environmental based career fields. There are endless reasons to take interest in marine biology. Whether you support the wellbeing of animals, love marine life, or wish to be a marine biologist one day, interacting with marine biology content can be enjoyable for you. Read more…

SAWFISH NEWS: Disney Conservation Fund Helps Local Organization Studying Endangered Sawfish in Tampa Bay

Havenworth Coastal Conservation (HCC), based in Palmetto, has been awarded a grant by the Disney Conservation Fund (DCF) to study the endangered smalltooth sawfish (Pristis pectinata) in the Tampa Bay region of Florida. The Disney Conservation Fund is proud to continue providing critical support to community-led projects creating a healthier home for people and wildlife. Read more…

Smalltooth Sawfish: History of an Endangered Species

Sawfish are unique and intriguing animals. The population of smalltooth sawfish (Pristis pectinata) in the United States was once found in coastal waters from Texas to North Carolina. Read more…

Island Conservationists Identify Key Barriers to Meeting Biodiversity Targets

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Islands are biodiversity hotspots yet, paradoxically, are also extinction hotspots. The impacts of invasive alien species, habitat loss and climate change are compounded in small island nations, which are highly dependent on biodiversity for their economic and social wellbeing. The failure to meet global biodiversity targets clearly indicates the need for more effective biodiversity management and conservation efforts, and this, in turn, requires a better understanding of the current barriers to success. Read more…

Congress on Track to Approve Catastrophic Investment in Northwest Hatcheries, Undermining Wild Salmon Recovery

a school of Salmon

Last week, the U.S. House of Representatives released a text of the draft reconciliation bill revealing Congress is on track to make the largest investment in northwest hatchery infrastructure on record that could cause irreparable damage to wild fish populations and to endangered Southern Resident killer whales. Read more…

MARACOOS, MARCO to Expand Ocean Mapping and Research Partnership

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Maritime industries, government agencies, researchers and members of the public will have access to improved oceanographic data through a memorandum of understanding (MOU) signed between the Mid-Atlantic Regional Association Coastal Ocean Observing System (MARACOOS) and Mid-Atlantic Regional Council on the Ocean (MARCO). The MOU formalizes a long-standing partnership between the region’s two leading ocean data sharing, mapping, and planning organizations. Read more…

New Study Highlights Madagascar As a Global HOtspot for Endangered Whale Shark

a whale shark in the ocean from the front

In a new study published in the journal Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, researchers have discovered that Madagascar is a globally important hotspot for whale sharks (Rhincodon typus), the world’s largest fish. The scientists emphasize the vital need to protect these gentle giants. Read more…

SEI Analysis Shows How COP26 Can Mobilise Loss & Damage Finance Right Away

Eight years after the Warsaw International Mechanism on Loss and Damage (WIM) was established, efforts to mobilise finance for countries facing catastrophic and unavoidable climate change impacts remain stalled. A new SEI briefing paper lays out a pragmatic way forward, with steps that countries could take as soon as COP26 in Glasgow to break the impasse. Read more…

RiceUNews: Microplastic Pollution Aids Antibiotic Resistance

The Styrofoam container that holds your takeout cheeseburger may contribute to the population’s growing resistance to antibiotics. According to scientists at Rice University’s George R. Brown School of Engineering, discarded polystyrene broken down into microplastics provides a cosy home not only for microbes and chemical contaminants but also for the free-floating genetic materials that deliver to bacteria the gift of resistance. Read more…

SwissDrones and CLS Group Deploy SDO 50 V2 Unmanned Helicopter for Maritime Operations

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Vast, remote, and often subjected to dangerous conditions, the world’s oceans are fertile ground for a range of illicit activities. Because they are so difficult to monitor, pollution, human trafficking, smuggling, terrorism, illegal fishing, and piracy are all daily occurrences on the open sea. Read more…

RiceUNews: ‘Super Trees’ May Help Save Houston … and Beyond

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It’s easy to say “just plant more trees” to mitigate air pollution. But how? Where? And what kind? A new study by collaborators at Rice University, the Houston Health Department’s environmental division and Houston Wildernessestablishes live oaks and American sycamores as champions among 17 “super trees.” Read more...

Are Solar Panels Really Worth the Investment? Here’s Everything You Need to Consider

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The rising cost of electricity across the U.S. makes solar technology a no-brainer for many homeowners. You’ve likely heard the spiel most solar salespeople will pitch you: that going solar will save you thousands of dollars. But is that really the case? Read more…

11 Actionable Tips to be Eco-friendly During and After the Holiday Season

Some people think that having an “eco-holiday” is synonymous with sacrifice. However, the truth is that you can save the planet and still enjoy the festive season. The key is to make eco-friendly holidays a lifestyle rather than an event. So, if you want to celebrate an eco-friendly holiday this year, here are some strategies that can help. Read more…

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Since 2004, SEVENSEAS Media has fostered an informal and non-partisan platform to promote understanding of key issues and challenges while building partnerships across an increasingly diverse group of marine conservation professionals and students.

Our mission is to promote communication and build partnerships across the global marine community and to identify and address gaps in the community’s work. SEVENSEAS Media achieves this through multimedia promotion and partnerships. The community consists of a diverse and growing group of participants, including non-governmental organizations, government agencies, foundations, bilateral and multilateral agencies, fellowship programs, independent consultants, and academia/students.

If you are interested in contributing or getting involved, email us Here

This piece was prepared online by Panuruji Kenta, Publisher, SEVENSEAS Media

One comment

  1. What is found throughout the 7 Seas?
    Read about commercial fishing and the declining status of highly migratory fish in THE SWORDFISH HUNTERS, written by Dr. Thomas Armbruster and published by SandyHook SeaLife Foundation. Now available at AMAZON.COM

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