Eight years after the Warsaw International Mechanism on Loss and Damage (WIM) was established, efforts to mobilise finance for countries facing catastrophic and unavoidable climate change impacts remain stalled. A new SEI briefing paper lays out a pragmatic way forward, with steps that countries could take as soon as COP26 in Glasgow to break the impasse.
The paper, published today by a team of SEI experts in climate finance and equity issues, is based on direct observation of meetings on loss and damage, an in-depth literature review, and interviews with stakeholders, including climate negotiators, members of the WIM Executive Committee, representatives of marginalised groups, and civil society actors.
It starts with the recognition that loss and damage “is already a lived reality for the poorest communities in the world”, and even worse climate change impacts are ahead. Pointing to projections that these costs could reach US$200–580 billion by 2030, and climate change could force 216 million people to migrate by mid-century, the authors stress that timely action on loss and damage is essential “to avert humanitarian crises and ensure equitable transitions”.
Moreover, the authors note, tangible progress on loss and damage finance at COP26 is a top priority for many developing country Parties, and thus essential for safeguarding the perceived legitimacy of the climate negotiations and upholding the core principles of the global climate policy regime.
As the Hon. Molwyn Joseph, of Antigua and Barbuda, chair of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS), said in advance of the paper’s publication: “SIDS face the reality of having to respond to climate disasters now, not in the future… The COP cannot be considered successful unless SIDS receive adequate and predictable support from the international community in order to adapt and adjust to loss and damage caused by the adverse effects of climate change… We must take a firm decision that the issue of climate justice is an issue that requires immediate attention.”
The question is how to move forward. After recognising disagreements over liability as a key obstacle to progress on the WIM to date, the authors propose that, instead of waiting to resolve those differences, countries can agree to start providing loss and damage finance on the basis of solidarity, accounting for local needs, and the principle of “common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities”.
“Practical, pragmatic solutions exist for loss and damage finance that don’t politicise the issue and instead focus on the needs of vulnerable countries and communities,” said Zoha Shawoo, an associate scientist in SEI’s U.S. Center and lead author of the paper. “Providing finance on the basis of solidarity and in line with already established principles of historical responsibility underpinning the Paris Agreement enables us to make real, concrete progress right away.”
In Glasgow, the authors note, a group of developed countries could take the lead by announcing pledges of bilateral finance for loss and damage. The Executive Committee for the Warsaw Mechanism can also initiate a process to identify the most viable near-term options for channelling finance.
The Parties could also agree to start setting up national-level loss and damage systems to thoroughly assess needs within countries, ensure that finance flows respect principles of country ownership, additionality and transparency, and ensure that finance reaches the most vulnerable communities.
“COP26 is going to be the first COP in the new era of actual loss and damage from human-induced climate change,” said Saleemul Huq, director of the International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD) in Bangladesh and a prominent expert in the issue who reviewed the paper. “This is the new agenda for every COP and every country to address going forward.”
Given the scale of global needs, the paper’s authors note, a formal, dedicated loss and damage finance mechanism still needs to be developed in the long term. The first step towards this, they suggest, would be to include loss and damage as part of the post-2025 climate finance target under the Paris Agreement.
“Millions of people in poor countries and communities face devastating losses from climate change,” said Sivan Kartha, a senior scientist in SEI’s U.S. Center, climate equity expert, and co-author of the paper. “Wealthy countries have a choice at COP26: Do they continue to stall, or step up with urgently needed finance, supporting a just response to the climate crisis based on global cooperation?”

About Stockholm Environment Institute
Stockholm Environment Institute is an international non-profit research and policy organization that tackles environment and development challenges. We connect science and decision-making to develop solutions for a sustainable future for all. Across our eight centres in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas, we engage with policy processes, development action and business practice throughout the world. www.sei.org.
This piece was prepared online by Panuruji Kenta, Publisher, SEVENSEAS Media