Aeon’s technology advancement enables green product manufacturers to think differently, and to produce a product that complements the environment.

A community-owned venture has launched the Aeon Explorer project with a mission to use the watercraft for eco-tourism by providing a unique experience of marine life. This green electric vehicle gives you an exciting ride with a personal touch.
The glass-bottomed boat Aeon Explorer hits the water on the Big Island of Hawaii. An electric personal watercraft lets its riders see beneath the surface. Users lie prone on the fiberglass-bodied vessel, looking down through an acrylic window. Propulsion is provided by a single propeller in the rear, while a dual joystick system is used for steering and throttle control. A solar panel on top boosts the battery range. LED spotlights on the underside help illuminate the depths at night.

Exploring and swimming in an ocean is quite hard, and there are safety concerns from predators in their natural environment. The watercraft also helps in providing safety to the adventurers from the marine wildlife during their exploration.
Our intention is much larger than just promoting a watercraft. We intend to use this watercraft for eco-tourism, take the proceeds, and spread it out to the conservation community.
A brief summary of the attributes this craft has to offer:
- Self charging for remote parts of the world
- 8 hour run-time
- Semi-autonomous, controlled from most smart phones or on-board joy sticks -Built-in L.E.D. underwater lighting
- Retractable seat for comfort while underway
- Excellent for over reef diver towing. Adaptable for surface air supply, i.e. scuba
We have worked with marine biologists, using the craft as a visual aid for locating and identifying bleached corals, the location and eradication of invasive species, and marine debris on reef clean-ups.
We offer free learning exploratory expeditions for young adults, children and disabled adventurers, and have received a warm response from our community as an ambassador for the promotion of clean energy marine exploration.
This is a great opportunity to get our children interested in marine life!