Internship – Environmental Education: Marine Science

Dauphin Island Sea Lab

Discovery Hall Programs (DHP) has 2 paid summer internship positions available for undergraduates (junior, senior) or recent graduates interested in environmental education and marine science. We are particularly interested in applications from individuals currently considering a career in environmental education. This is a great opportunity to gain hands-on experience in the field of environmental education and learn about Gulf of Mexico ecosystems.

Interns work with DHP’s education faculty in our many different summer programs including day and overnight camps for K-12 students, a residential class in marine science for high school students, teacher workshops, and public outreach events. Interns assist in all aspects of logistics, preparation, and teaching during our 9 week summer program.

Applicants should have completed a minimum of 1 year of biology classes.  They should enjoy working with people, especially children; be comfortable in and around water, hold a valid US driver’s license, and be capable of working multiple hours outdoors in Alabama’s heat and humidity.   Interns must commit to the entire 9 week period.

The internship includes a $4,000 stipend and a $500 travel allowance as well as full room and board in DISL dorms. Interns are expected to work some nights and weekends.  A background check and drug testing are requirements for employment. These internships are supported by the Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium and the Dauphin Island Sea Lab.

Please note that this application requests 1) a cover letter explaining your interest in the internship and the strengths you would bring to the position, 2) your current resume (or Curriculum Vitae), 3) current transcripts (unofficial transcripts are OK) , and 4) 3 references with their contact information.

The application period will close on March 1 and we expect offers to be made mid-March. Please note that incomplete applications (those missing cover letters, resumes, transcripts, or the application form) will not be considered.

To apply for this job please visit