FixnZip Zips Away Your Troubles

This piece was prepared online by Panuruji Kenta, Publisher, SEVENSEAS Media

Have you ever broken the zipper on your wet suit, sleeping bag, or tent (or anything else for that matter) and have been unable to find a repalcement? We just discovered this product which will save you money AND cut waste from the environment. 

It seems to be always at the last minute when I find myself desperately looking for tools to repair a broken zip like on my favourite junkie jumper and I’ve even had to throw away my luggage just because the zip was beyond repair. But what if you can just fix it in a minute so that you save money, time, and of course the environment. FixnZip has got you just the solution we need.


FixnZip is a zipper replacement slider. You can basically just attach FixnZip to the Zipper, tighten the thumbscrew, and ZIP! That’s it. You don’t have to use any sewing kits and it is basically as good as new. FixnZip comes with three universal sizes which are S, M, and L but most of the zippers comes in M size (If you are not sure with yours, check it out at Sizing Zip Page) Also, they are so small you can keep a spares with your gear when traveling so that you can fix an emergency right away. This is a great solution to fix broken bags and gear, to cut unnecessarily waste, and to decrease your footprint. 
The device is a available around the USA for online purchase on The price starts at $10.99.