When Sharks Fly!

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Photography feature by Ewan Wilson

Great white shark soaring in the air over the ocean in front of the sunset

The great white sharks of South Africa are not your typical 
fish. There winter prey, the caper fur seal is a tricky catch even for a 
great white. So in order to get the upper hand the 600kg-1000kg animal 
will launch its self vertically from below, hitting the seal like a 
speeding bus with intension. The final result is a cinematic display of 
nature at its most honest, a strange mixture of beauty and brutality. 
Great white sharks have been on this earth for 40million years but are 
now classed as an endangered spices, these animals are a prime example 
of why our planet is beautiful and we must do everything we can to 
co-exist with these majestic beasts so we can enjoy the for 40million 
more years.


Headshot Ewan Wilson Photography

Growing up I always enjoyed watching the adventure films of 
yester-year. 7th Voyages Of Sinbad, Jason And The Argonorts and all of 
these classic B-movies are still some of my favourites. However, 
Studying these films for around five years dented my love a tiny bit and 
when thoughts five years land you a job in food retail, love is 
definitely not the word I would use to describe my studies.
As time passed I kept seeing an online advert for an internship that 
took people shark cage diving for a month, the images of my own B-movie 
adventures where all to tempting. The adventures I had become a passion, 
and iv been photographing the wildlife of this planet now for two 
B-movie-esc years.