Jack's Banner for May 2021

Tozeuma Shrimp – Photo taken in Indonesia – Jack’s May Underwater Photograph

Tozeum Shrimp

If you look at this odd-looking shrimp, you’ll see why it is sometimes also called a Pinocchio and a rhino shrimp. Its long body and long nose, make it look quite different from most other shrimp. Obviously, camouflage is a big factor here, and they are perfectly suited to blend in with a large variety of corals.

We can’t say this for every species in our directory, but thankfully the tozeuma shrimp is not endangered. Well, as far as current known numbers go. They are hard to find, because of their camo and shy temperaments, plus they only live in a handful of countries. Of course, the threat of habitat loss and warming oceans is always a threat, but let’s just be happy that this guy is not in immediate danger like some are.

The ocellated has an elongated body, that morphs to match whatever soft coral that they make their home at a young age. They are also related to the Ocellated Tozeuma shrimp, which look almost the same.

The tozeuma is located around the Indo Pacific, from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific. They are semi-rare and hard to find in the wild but are popular in the aquarium industry.

See more of Jack Fung’s underwater photography on Instagram

This piece was prepared online by Panuruji Kenta, Publisher, SEVENSEAS Media