Three humpback whales the size of buses came flying towards me at full speed, like stunt aeroplanes crashing and fighting. Their long pectoral fins give them high agility and let them make sharp turns. This is a heat run, a mating competition led by a female in the front, where male humpbacks battle for hours. It took almost a full minute for all 20 whales to pass as I held my breath and photographed them.

Freediver Charyse Reinfelder descends between 3 juvenile humpback whales the size of buses. We spent a few hours with them rolling around, playing amongst themselves, and making close passes to inspect us. While I was underwater holding my breath, for a brief moment this was my view, a tiny human in the presence of giants.

Karim was published in National Geographic magazine for his humpback whale photography. He now leads his own trips so that others can swim with whales.
If you are interested in swimming with or photographing humpback whales, Karim guides people in small trips between August and October every year in Tonga. Visit www.dancewithwhales.com to find out more
To see more of Karim’s work, visit his website at www.karimphotography.com

This piece was prepared online by Panuruji Kenta, Publisher, SEVENSEAS Media