Shark Named J.P

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Photography feature by Ewan Wilson

Shark jumping out of the water

When you spend a lot of time around an animal you start to see the different quirks that make each shark individual, some are subtile and others like JP are very apparent. This shark who came to own the name J.P had no time for tricks, she would often fully breach out of the 
water in an attempt to steal the bait, so much so that as a photographer I could predict her next move and capture her energy. The majority of white sharks we see are very calm and never waste energy for such a small reward. But J.P Broke that rule in spectacular fashion and is 
living evidence of great white sharks very unique personalities.



Headshot Ewan Wilson Photography

Growing up I always enjoyed watching the adventure films of yester-year. 7th Voyages Of Sinbad, Jason And The Argonorts and all of these classic B-movies are still some of my favourites. However, Studying these films for around five years dented my love a tiny bit and 
when thoughts five years land you a job in food retail, love is definitely not the word I would use to describe my studies. As time passed I kept seeing an online advert for an internship that 
took people shark cage diving for a month, the images of my own B-movie adventures where all to tempting. The adventures I had become a passion, and iv been photographing the wildlife of this planet now for two B-movie-esc years.