SEVENSEAS Individual Impact Testimonials

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I teach undergraduate and graduate level marine science, and have always included a lecture on how to find and apply for jobs in the field. SevenSeas’ resources have been invaluable for my students, and have directly resulted in many getting a start in this career. – David Shiffman, Ph.D. Marine Conservation Biologist & Educator

SEVENSEAS was the go-to resource when finding the next step in my career path; it’s how I learned about my current role! Whenever I meet with students or others looking to find their next place in the ocean conservation field, the newsletter is my first recommendation. In my view, SEVENSEAS is a unique resource connecting our community around the globe. – Kaitlyn Lowder, Program Manager, The Ocean Foundation

I have found (and be hired) for multiple jobs thanks to SevenSeas! After finishing the Peace Corps, thanks to SevenSeas, I discovered a job for a Program Associate at the Summit Foundation, for which I was eventually hired. Finishing graduate school, I saw a posting for a Research Scientist at the Seattle Aquarium which was advertised through SevenSeas, again another job I eventually was hired for. This wonderful organization has been such an important source of information for jobs, webinars, and sources of funding. We can’t let it die! – Daniela Escontrela, PhD, Research Scientist, Seattle Aquarium

The SEVENSEAS Media newsletter was my number one source for jobs during my last few months of graduate school, and to this day, it still is the best and most consistent source of information on quality job openings in the marine conservation world. I found my current position through this newsletter, and I continue to check it whenever it enters my inbox just to stay abreast of the various incredible organizations working in this space. Eric Walton, Senior Associate International Fisheries Markets

I have been sharing the SEVENSEAS newsletter and jobs list for years now as an excellent, consolidated source of ocean (and now all environment) conservation jobs and other resources. – Helen Fox, PhD, Conservation Science Director, Coral Reef Alliance

“Queridos estudiantes, los océanos son el hogar de miles de especies y regulan el clima de nuestro planeta. Es nuestro deber protegerlos evitando la contaminación y reduciendo el uso de plásticos. Al cuidar el agua, también protegemos nuestra salud y la de futuras generaciones. Recuerden no arrojar basura a los ríos y mares, y promover el reciclaje en nuestra comunidad. Gracias a la institución SEVENSEAS, aprendemos que cada pequeña acción contribuye a la conservación de los océanos.”César Martín Agurto Castillo _ IE 15030 – UGEL SULLANA

SEVENSEAS is an amazing way to communicate Internationally! – Brad T.

I regularly use material gleaned from the SevenSeas newsletter with my science students, and past students who went on to study the ocean sciences typically perused SevenSeas as a resource in their job hunt for positions involving marine science. – Ernst, Science Teacher, California Public High School

The SEVENSEAS newsletters are among the very few newsletters in my mailbox I look forward to receiving. They keep me informed of what is happening in the world ocean communities. Its photos of the week are already breathtakingly beautiful, which should inspire children, as well as adults, to learn more about the ocean. The SEVENSEAS newsletters should be received by students at all ages. – Chidong Zhang, Oceanographer, NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory

I was fortunate to have been guided to Giacomo when SEVENSEAS was just 4 issues in, and he so kindly welcomed my first article on the Trinidad and Tobago coastline of Toco and my love for the nexus of coastal tourism and marine conservation. From 2015 to now, the 10 years of work he and the team have put in has been truly transformational in the space, and I can say SEVENSEAS needs to be conserved just as much as the ocean we all love. – Katrina Khan-Roberts, Mertrina Marine Minded Network

SEVENSEAS has inspired me for the last several years with its wide variety of activities, articles, and job postings. I have been grateful to receive everything so organized in one place, whereby I may learn about important ocean conservation efforts, trends, and opportunities to expand my own professional capacity in this sphere.Rebekah Sophia

Since I started studying marine ecology and conservation in university, SEVENSEAS has been my go to resource for finding work in the field. The last three positions I’ve held, were all sourced from the newsletter. As I transition into the next stage of my career (graduate school), I worry about platforms disappearing that were vital to my growth, especially coming from underrepresented background in marine science. Save SEVENSEAS so that many more can continue fighting for our planet!!! – Ruby Sloan

“Ocean Seen From the Heart is the name of our Canadian movie. We démonstrate that west civilisation has forgotten that Océan can re générate rejuvenate biomass. 3 times in four years lap outside marine sanctuarised areas. Meaning 3 times more eatable fishes for local fishermen to sell As i am now trying to set UP these new Biomass Restoring Zones inside sea Wind farm areas in Europe, sevenseas story keeps me aware of all initiatives going to the same direction: give a hand to thé Océan to get 3 hands in return for all populations under fish shortages.” – OSFH

One evening in June 2022, I was scrolling through the SevenSeas newsletter as I do every week to see what kind of marine biology jobs are out there. I wasn’t looking for a job, but noticed one that caught my eye: “Coral Reef Policy and Communications Coordinator for the Guam Coral Reef Initiative”. My first thought was “Oh wow that is a job I could actually do”, and my second thought was “Where on earth is Guam?”. I showed the job to my husband and seeing that it was a perfect fit for the skill set I already had and the skill set I wanted to gain, he talked me into applying as soon as possible. We were happily living in California at the time and weren’t planning on upending our lives by moving to a remote Pacific Island, but we had been wanting to try living somewhere different and this seemed like the perfect opportunity to do so. Sure enough, I applied, and much to my surprise, I got the job. My husband fully supported the decision and left his good-paying job in California to follow me to Guam as I followed my dreams. We left everything we knew and loved in California and moved to this tiny island and it was honestly one of the best decisions we ever made. I am still in this same position and so far it is my favorite job that I have ever had. I am learning so much and have had so many amazing opportunities to grow as a marine biology professional. Moreover, my husband ended up finding an opportunity here in Guam to pursue his own dream of starting a rock climbing gym; something that was unfeasible for us in California. None of this would have ever happened if it wasn’t for SevenSeas posting this job opportunity. I am so grateful for this newsletter and have shared my story with countless others and encouraged them to subscribe. Thank you so much for all you do, and I hope you are encouraged to know my story of how SevenSeas changed my life for the better!Olivia Bañez, Coral Reef Policy and Communications Coordinator, Guam Coral Reef Initiative

SEVENSEAS is one of a kind platform to connect people and foster crucial collaboration on the ocean at a global level. It’s also one of the most invaluable open resources, and has strongly participated to raise awareness. When we first connected, The Blue Quest was still a very small project and SEVENSEAS played a major part in sharing our stories of successful conservation worldwide in ways that wouldn’t have been possible for us otherwise. Many info and contacts in the ocean world are still coming from SEVENSEAS today, its impact is huge, and we cannot lose this precious connection. And SEVENSEAS is the go-to portal for many people looking for inspiring jobs in ocean fields, playing a major part on this topic. The team’s work provides incredible inspiration and we need it to continue!Clément Pourtal, Founder of The Blue Quest

The Center for Behavior and Climate has relied on SevenSeas Media to get the word out for our Behavior Change for Climate Action Grant Challenge. They’ve made a huge difference. Now in our fourth year, we had over 65 requests for the application. We owe it all to SevenSeas.Caroly Shumway, Ph.D., Director, The Center for Behavior and Climate

SEVENSEAS Media newsletters continue to amaze me with the number of funding opportunities, webinars, and news articles they share in addition to their weekly job updates. It has become my go-to resource for inspiration and positivity in the marine scientific research field, especially in the face of fierce competition and limited opportunities. I have not found any comparative source of information, and it will be a huge loss globally for those pursuing a career in environmental and marine conservation fields if SEVENSEAS Media is forced to close.Adrian Gellert

I have been following Seven Seas Media for 4 years now. I have been on the job market for more than a year, and each week the newsletter is my go-to place for new job listings. If Sevens Seas is gone, I don’t know how I am going to keep looking. – Anonymous

SevenSeas has been my #1 resource for marine conservation jobs and news for the past 7 years since I finished grad school. Most industries have LinkedIn or Indeed and other job sites to find jobs, but marine -related positions are rarely listed there! We have SevenSeas and we rely on it. Please keep it going. – Anonymous

SEVENSEAS has been a valuable resource over the years for me and I have found many jobs in ocean conservation through the platform. When applying for jobs, SEVENSEAS was a bright spot in my search and provided not only information about exciting job opportunities but also educational webinars and funding opportunities. The comprehensive list of opportunities is incredibly valuable to support so many folks in the ocean conservation space. I highly recommend this resource and really hope that it can continue to help ocean stewards and scientists for years to come! – Anonymous

SEVENSEAS has been invaluable to me as a graduate student! The newsletter has been a great hub for ocean and policy job postings, fun facts, and showcasing marine artists. Such a great resource!! – Anonymous

I found my current job in marine science through Seven Seas! It’s been such a help for my career. – Anonymous

SEVENSEAS has been incredibly valuable for me in graduate school, it is the best resource I have found for job postings, news, and opportunities to connect with professionals in the field. I have been continually inspired by the content– Anonymous