Quick Profile: Sama Al Wasmi

About Sama Al Wasmi, Advisor and Contributor at SEVENSEAS Media

Sama Al Wasmi’s deep connection to the ocean and her dedication to environmental conservation are at the heart of everything she does. An avid surfer, she finds solace and inspiration in the waves of Sri Lanka, a passion that has significantly shaped her perspective on environmental sustainability. This profound love for the sea transcends her personal life and is a driving force behind her professional endeavors, particularly in the realm of sustainable fashion. As the founder and CEO of Quin Hop, Sama has seamlessly merged her commitment to the environment with her entrepreneurial spirit in the fashion industry. Under her leadership, Quin Hop embodies the principles of sustainability, reflecting Sama’s belief that fashion and environmental stewardship can go hand in hand. Her journey from the surfboard to the boardroom exemplifies a unique blend of environmental activism and business acumen, making her a notable advisor and contributor to SevenSeas Media, where she continues to champion the cause of ocean conservation through her work.

Sama Al Wasmi surfing