12 very committed people managed to clean up approximately 350kg of trash from a neglected area near Klong Son river mouth in just over 2h. Much of the trash we found was very old and was well on its way to becoming secondary microplastics. Thankfully it was removed and disposed of before the pollution became irreversible.

Over the past 5 years, a number of local organizations have been collaborating with the Hat Nopparat Thara National Park, acting on issues such as trash handling, anchor damage, mooring lines, marine organism censuses, reef restoration, etc. Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic many of these organizations were forced to interrupt their services, and many had to shut down completely.
As part of the former staff of one of these organizations, Coralyfe founders felt a personal responsibility to resume work on these important projects, aiming to restore the health of local coral reefs and to reverse the damage that countless years of unregulated tourism and human activity have caused. To visit the website, please CLICK HERE; Facebook Page.