Our Commitment to the 30×30 Initiative

At SEVENSEAS Media, we are proud to support and actively contribute to the global 30×30 initiative. This ambitious conservation goal, championed by scientists and endorsed by countries worldwide, aims to protect 30% of the world’s land and ocean areas by the year 2030. By safeguarding these critical ecosystems, we can preserve biodiversity, combat climate change, and ensure that future generations inherit a healthy and thriving planet.

Why 30×30 Matters
The 30×30 initiative is rooted in the understanding that protecting 30% of our planet’s most valuable ecosystems is essential to halting the loss of biodiversity and mitigating the impacts of climate change. The ocean, which covers over 70% of the Earth’s surface, is a critical component of this goal. By conserving marine areas, we can protect vital habitats for marine species, support sustainable fisheries, and preserve the essential functions oceans play in regulating our climate.

SEVENSEAS Media’s Role in 30×30
SEVENSEAS Media is uniquely positioned to advance the 30×30 initiative through our diverse and far-reaching global audience. Our readers include governments, policymakers, professionals, academia, and industry leaders, all of whom play a crucial role in moving the needle on ocean conservation and implementing the goals of 30×30. We contribute to this vital initiative by:

  • Publishing comprehensive ocean conservation news, scientific research, and educational resources that inform and inspire key decision-makers and stakeholders across sectors to take meaningful action toward protecting marine ecosystems.
  • Capacity Building by fostering a global network that connects professionals, grassroots advocates, and organizations, equipping them with the tools and knowledge to effectively contribute to the creation and management of marine protected areas.
  • On-the-Ground Conservation Efforts including coral reef, seagrass, and mangrove restoration, and beach cleanups, which directly contribute to the health of marine ecosystems, demonstrating the power of local actions in supporting global conservation targets.
  • Engaging Policymakers and Industry by providing a platform for collaboration and dialogue among governments, conservation professionals, and industry stakeholders, helping to shape policies and practices that align with the 30×30 vision.

Through our publications and partnerships, SEVENSEAS Media helps bridge the gap between science, policy, and action, empowering our diverse readership to contribute to the success of the 30×30 initiative.

A Future for Our Oceans
Our commitment to 30×30 goes hand-in-hand with our dedication to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 14: Life Below Water and SDG 13: Climate Action. Together, these frameworks guide our mission to protect and restore ocean ecosystems while fostering sustainable use of marine resources.

We believe that the 30×30 initiative represents a critical opportunity to create a healthier, more sustainable planet, and SEVENSEAS Media is fully committed to contributing to this vision through our work.