Blue Frontier, the nationally recognized nonprofit organization founded in 2003 and known as “The Voice for Ocean Action,” is proud to announce the launch of its newly updated, revised and geo-map-based Blue Movement Directory.
“With our new online Blue Movement Directory we’re offering a powerful tool for scientists, activists, journalists and others to connect with those working to turn the tide for our ocean planet,” says David Helvarg, Blue Frontier’s Founder and Executive Director.
The Blue Movement Directory, with links to more than 1,000 U.S. ocean and coastal organizations, is designed to unite and mobilize the environmental community. With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, the directory simplifies the process of finding like-minded individuals, organizations, and their activities, to amplify the collective impact of the blue movement. Groups may be easily added or suggested.

“This great directory is the first comprehensive guide to the organizations and agencies that are on the front line of the effort to protect this great resource,” says Leon Panetta, former U.S. Secretary of Defense and Pew Oceans Commission Director and co-founder of the Panetta Institute for Public Policy.
Margo Pellegrino, a renowned environmental activist and long-distance paddler, also expresses her excitement about the Blue Movement Directory. “Without the Blue Movement Directory, I could not have done my Miami to Maine paddle. It connected me with seaweed (marine grassroots) groups all up and down the coast.”
Key features of Blue Frontier’s Blue Movement Directory include a network of ocean groups and an ability to learn about research, communities, fieldwork, and advocacy opportunities. These features empower users to find each other, share resources, and collaborate on impactful initiatives, driving positive change within their communities.
To explore Blue Frontier’s Blue Movement Directory and join the global community of ocean action, please visit
About Blue Frontier:
Founded in 2003, Blue Frontier has become a national leader and “The Voice for Ocean Action” in providing resources and opportunities to bring citizens who care about the health of our coasts and ocean into the decision-making process. With a focus on science, policy, and public engagement, Blue Frontier strives to protect and restore our planet’s oceans, working towards a sustainable future for generations to come.

This piece was prepared online by Panuruji Kenta, Publisher, SEVENSEAS Media