Webinar: Addressing marine debris in protected areas: Best practices and examples
Date/Time: Thursday, January 14, 2 pm US EST/11 am US PST/7 pm UTC
Presented by: Anna Ruth Robuck of the University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography and NOAA Marine Protected Areas Center
Description: Marine debris encompasses a wide range of materials of diverse origin, including derelict vessels, fishing gear, plastic debris, and microplastics. Different types of marine debris have been documented to impact every level of biological organization, and many uncertainties about impact remain. The complex and often harmful nature of the problem translates to management and conservation challenges within protected areas, and a “one size fits all” approach to marine debris generally fails to incorporate local needs and nuance. This webinar synthesizes recommendations for protected area managers seeking to reduce marine debris. The recommendations are based upon review of research, case studies, and experience from government, academia, and non-profits. This webinar will also provide some suggested actions and current examples from protected areas addressing marine debris in the US and beyond.
Co-sponsors: NOAA National MPA Center and OCTO (MPA News, OpenChannels, EBM Tools Network)