Cuba Under Immediate Threat From Climate Change
By Mark Friedman Cuba’s delegation to Cop26 tells DR LAUREN COLLINS about the island’s approach to adapting to the effects of global warming, the challenges it faces and its hopes …
[Read more]Strengthening Ocean Conservation Globally by Connecting People, Telling Stories, Sharing Science
By Mark Friedman Cuba’s delegation to Cop26 tells DR LAUREN COLLINS about the island’s approach to adapting to the effects of global warming, the challenges it faces and its hopes …
[Read more]By Schmidt Ocean Institute A multidisciplinary team of scientists from Mexico and the U.S. discovered new hydrothermal vents and six possible new animal species during a 33-day expedition off the coast of …
[Read more]It is commonly known as the fried egg jellyfish, and no other name would have been more appropriate. It has a dark yellow cupola on top of its bell, a …
[Read more]SINN Power GmbH According to IRENA, floating solar is an emerging market with a high potential for rapid growth. While freshwater floating PV is being installed in more than 40 …
[Read more]Bow Seat Ocean Awareness Programs (Bow Seat) announced the winners of the 2021 Ocean Awareness Contest, an international art competition that engages youth in creatively raising awareness of and inspiring action …
[Read more]Manta Ray Bay Resort & Yap Divers Manta Ray Bay Resort & Yap Divers has been voted the #1 resort in the Pacific/Indian Ocean region in the value-for-money category in …
[Read more]Queen’s University As Cop26 continues to debate methane – with the US And EU has pledged to reduce agricultural methane outputs from ruminant livestock by upwards of 30% by 2030 …
[Read more]Concerns have been building since bigeye tuna was formally declared overfished by scientists of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) in 2015. This year, seven years …
[Read more]The National Marine Sanctuary Foundation joined tribal, national and community leaders in celebrating the initiation of Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary’s designation process, announced today by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and applauding members of the Northern Chumash Tribal Council for leading its nomination. The proposed Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary would protect …
[Read more]“Sea: the Future” theme will mark 50 years of progress and set a course for the next 50 years” The National Marine Sanctuary Foundation announced the theme for Capitol Hill Ocean …
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