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For the last decade, SEVENSEAS Media has been an indispensable force in ocean conservation, serving as a hub for knowledge, networking, and direct action. It is more than a publication- it is a community-driven platform that connects conservation professionals, students, policymakers, and ocean advocates across the globe.
Through its commitment to education, storytelling, and professional development, SEVENSEAS has helped tens of thousands of individuals launch and grow their careers in marine conservation. It has played a vital role in amplifying voices, elevating diverse perspectives, and ensuring that critical environmental issues reach those who have the power to make a difference.
SEVENSEAS Media operates on an extraordinarily modest budget, yet its reach and influence far surpass those of organizations many times its size. It has facilitated countless job placements, fostered collaborations between conservationists worldwide, and provided free, accessible resources that empower individuals and institutions to take meaningful action for our ocean.
Today, SEVENSEAS is at a crossroads. Despite its undeniable impact, securing the funding necessary to sustain this work has been a challenge. We cannot allow such an essential tool for the ocean conservation community to disappear due to lack of financial support.
We, the undersigned, recognize the profound value of SEVENSEAS Media and call upon foundations, organizations, and individuals who believe in the power of media, education, and global connectivity to step forward. This is a rare opportunity to support an organization that directly strengthens the entire conservation field. Without SEVENSEAS, we risk losing an essential platform that transforms knowledge into action, provides opportunities for emerging leaders, and unites the voices of those working to protect our planet’s blue heart.
We urge you to consider investing in SEVENSEAS Media. Your support will ensure that this critical resource not only survives but continues to thrive, fostering collaboration, innovation, and tangible conservation impact worldwide. While SEVENSEAS Media may not always fit neatly into traditional funding categories, its work underpins and enables conservation success at every level. If funders believe the mission still falls outside their focus, we invite them to start the conversation on how SEVENSEAS can help achieve their strategic goals. Conservation does not happen in silos- SEVENSEAS is the bridge that connects knowledge, action, and impact.
- Mark J. Spalding, President of The Ocean Foundation
- Kaitlyn Lowder, Program Manager, The Ocean Foundation
- Angel Braestrup, The Munson Foundation
- Kyriacos Koupparis, PhD, United Nations World Food Programme (UNWFP)
- Rachel Plunkett, Content Manager & Senior Writer/Editor, NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries
- Antoinette Vermilye, Gallifrey Foundation and SHE Changes Ocean
- Andrew Kornblatt, Founder, Online Ocean Symposium
- Kelly Martin, Program Analyst, NOAA
- Oscar Velez Ruiz Gaitan, Founder & Director, Revive Mexico
- Ashley Carreiro, M.Sc, Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute
- Chris Clarke, Executive Director, Desert Advocacy Media Network
- Nicole Firing, PhD Student, George Manson University & Belowthesurf
- Katie Matthews, PhD, Chief Scientist & SVP, Oceana
- Kimberly Warner, Senior Scientist, Oceana
- Clément Pourtal, Founder of The Blue Quest, The Blue Quest
- Jackie Marks, The Marine Stewardship Council
- Micol Auger, Consultant, The World Bank
- Caroly Shumway, Ph.D., Director, Center for Behavior & Climate
- Renee Bonorchis, Founder of The Ocean Advocate
- Nathan Smith, Economist, Ocean Associate
- McKenzie Ploen, Environmental Policy and Ocean & Coastal Resource Management Graduate Student, Middlebury Institute of International Studies
- Andy Rogan, Science & Conservation Director, Ocean Alliance
- Samantha Larson, Communication Lead, Washington Sea Grant
- Autumn Syracuse, Educator II, Aquarium of Niagara
- Lisa M. Comento, Marketing & Communications, APGA
- Andrew Lewin, CEO, Speak Up For Blue Media & Communications Inc.
- Amy Steward, Founder and Past President, Emerald Keepers
- Ellen Prager, PhD, Chief Scientist, Storm Center Communications
- Umber Fracassi, Senior Researcher, INGV
- Rachel Graham, MarAlliance
- Paula Pappalardo, Marine Ecologist
- Michelle Baptist, Coral Ecologist/Marine Analyst, ICRS
- Taylor Galaviz, Constituent Engagement Specialist, National Marine Sanctuary Foundation
- Sophie Maginnes, NOAA
- Michelle Huebel, CDFW
- Olivia Bañez, Guam Coral Reef Initiative
- Bella Shamoon, UCSC EEB (Undergraduate & Student Researcher)
- Farah Obaidullah, Founder of The Ocean and Us (and the Women4Oceans platform)
- Andrew D Thaler, CEO, Blackbeard Biologic: Science and Environmental Advisors
- Steph Whyte, Resilience Program Manager, National Recreation and Park Association
- Sophia Truempi, Coastal Resilience Community Engagement Specialist, S.C. Sea Grant Consortium
- Marta Calosso. Founder & Executive Director, FisherFolkFirst
- Juliann Krupa, Academic Project Manager, The School for Field Studies
- Brendan Turley, PhD., Assistant Scientist, Cooperative Institute of Marine and Atmospheric Studies, University of Miami
- Courtney Dobbertin, Girl That Scuba FB Volunteer Moderator& Volunteer Diver, The Florida Aquarium
- Erin Weisman, Graduate Student, University of Miami
- Kaitlin Scowen, Natural Resource Biologist, Maryland Department of Natural Resources
- Carolyn Sotka, Senoir Analyst, NOAA
- Grace Roskar, Fish Biologist, NOAA
- Morgan Corey, Fishery Management Specialist, NOAA
- Helen Fox, PhD., Conservation Science Director, Coral Reef Alliance
- Emma Gee, PhD Student, UC Santa Cruz
- Kennedy McGrath, Student, University of New Hampshire
- Rita Hjelm, Project Manager, Global Maritime Forum
- Michael Zwirn, Vice President of Development, Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, and Former Ocean Conservation Professional
- Samantha Wishnak, Operations Coordinator, Ocean Exploration Trust
- Megan Cook, Director of Education & Outreach, Ocean Exploration Trust
- Sally Dowd, PhD Student, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Jennifer L. Salerno, Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Science & Policy at George Mason University
- Abigail Murray, Graduate Student, MA Marine Affairs, University of Rhode Island
- Norie Wright, Excelsior Service Fellow, The State of New York
- Masafumi Uchiyama, Osaka YMCA Research Institute
- Ambonisye Haule, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Specialist, SEA SENSE
- Carla Woods, Senior Environmental Scientist, CA Department of Fish & Wildlife
- Natalie Rodriguez, Duke Master of Environmental Management ’20
- Emily Cunningham MBE, Marine Biologist and Award-Winning Ocean Conservationist
- Yashira Cruz Rodriguez, Marine Education Program Coordinator
- Mary Ellen Kelly, UPenn
- Shannon Switzer Swanson, Assistant Professor, CSUSM
- César Martín Agurto Castillo – IE 15030 DCJ – UGEL – SULLANA – PERÚ
- César Alexander Agurto Romero – Ing. Pesquero – SULLANA – PERÚ
- Samantha Green, Marketing Manager, Sheeky Sporty
- Emily Greenhalgh, Science Communicator
- Rachel Wise, OneHealth Strategies
- Diana Haemer, Freelance Ocean & Climate Journalist, Community Facilitator
- Shirley Wilkinson, QSSP
- Merrie Beth Neely, Owner, Neely Consulting Services
- Thierry De Coster, Project Manager, ULB-Cooperation, The NGO of The Free University of Brussels
- Clifford L. Juilerat, Ocean Caraibes
- Bruce and Marsha McIntire, Anacapa Equipment Brokers Inc.
- Sarah Gignoux-Wolfsohn, University of Massachusetts Lowell
- Amanda Sosa, Administrative Assistant, UF/IFAS Extension Business Services
- Dwight Owens, Ocean Networks Canada
- Cory Hom-Weaver, Ocean Associates Inc.
- Jory Fleming, Geographer, University of South Carolina
- Brian Ahlers, Technical Sales Manager, Sustainable Seafood Solutions
- Catherine A. Rooney, Biological Research Technician, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
- Jenny Miller Garmendia, Board Member, WaterWays & Jiquilisco Bay Alliance
- Daniela Escontrela, PhD, Research Scientist, Seattle Aquarium
- Betsy López-Wagner, Principal of López-Wagner Strategies, An Equitable Communication AgencyⓇ
- Clara Schlieman, Intertidal Shellfish Biologist, Lummi Indian Business Council
- Kate Allcock, Environmental Scientist, RK&K
- Joyce B. Hufton, Dive Professional, EcoDive Recreational Diving Services
- Saliya Hemachandra, Commander (Rtd) Sri Lanka Navy, Hydrographic Surveyor
- Kate Feloy, Graduate Students, University of Hawai’s
- Amanda Liu, Environmental Engineer
- Women & Child Welfare Society, Cuttack, Odisha, India
- Marlena Penn, MS
- Elizabeth Johnson, M.S.
- D’amy Steward
- Erin Spencer, Marine Ecologist and Science Writer
- Francheska Krysiak, Marine Conservationist & Scientific Diver
- David Shiffman, Ph.D. Marine Conservtion Biologist
- Sara Cleaver, Fishery Analyst
- Ana Victoria Moya, Marine Biologist
- Jennifer Chapman, Education Manager, Disney’s Animals, Science, and Environment
- Dr. David Costalago, Marine Scientist
- Sierra Garcia, Marine Science Writer
- Susan Schlieve, Marine Conservationist
- David Richards, Landscape Architect
- Beatriz Lorenzo Botella, Teacher, Gnomon
- Thais Parreira do Amaral, Marine Biologist, linkedin/thaisamaralp
- Liz Cunningham, Author and Conservationist
- Cristina, Research & Necropsy Biologist
- Judith Bakker, PhD Marine Scientist
- Darla White, Marine Scientist & GIS Analyst
- Les Adams, Retired
- Elizabeth Singh, Biologist
- Lindsay Blatt, Film & Video Director
- Susan Staniszewski, Retired Healthcare
- Maria Tooker, ENY SP
- Katrina Khan-Roberts, Mertrina Marine Mind Network
- Paige Becker, PhD Student, Boston University
- Hannah Ladd-Jones, Ocean & Coastal Futures Ltd.
- Scott A. Hajost, Creator of Forebare DC Marine Community
- Carise O’Brien, M.A.
- Alanna Waldman Carrow, M. Sc.
- Kirsten Steinke, PhD
- Rachel Gate, MMA
- Katie O’Donnell, MEM
- Charlotte Pechti, Conservation Agent
- Madeleine Adams, Student
- Dustin Colson Leaning
- Tommy Tucker
- Gabriela Rohrig
- Adrian Gellert
- Tara Kerr, Fulbright
- Rebekah Sophia
- Maria Christina Davies
- Pattadon Khomsanyatham, Makeup Artist
- Wijanaporn Woraphan
- Anupin Prasittinawa
- Terapat Chearapong, KK Music Corporation Ltd.
- Laura Conti
- Yolan Herrera
- Wesley Tsuhako
- Kingkarn Suppakun
- Bharamee Thamrongmas
- Mark Scodellaro
- Claire Waterhouse
- Ruby Sloan
- Samantha Garcia
- Cory Compton
- Ayodeji Oyinloye
- Esse Mohammed Hassen
- Amanda Kent
- Betina Lukwambe
- Michelle Guevara
- Jenna Harlacher
- Brendan O’Brien
- Finnian O’Brien
- Cian O’Brien
- Summer O’Brien
- Kristin Kokal
- Evan Friedman
- Amy-Jo Randalls
- Alexandra Emmi
- Manuela Rio Tinto
- Dawn Ziegler
- Katie Chicojay
- Kyle Cornish
- Jessica Douglass-Eurich
- Denise De Fazio
- Emily Runnells
- Peter Paul van Dijk
- Lotta Baalerud
- Jessica Medeiros
- Jolie Misek, US Citizen
- Nicole Abbott, Engaged World Citizen & Ocean Lover
- Anonymous SEVENSEAS Supporter
- Concerned citizen – Anonymous
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