Webinar: The Marine Social Science Network: Promoting understanding of people’s relationship with the sea

Date/Time: Tuesday, April 20, Noon US EDT/9 am US PDT/4 pm UTC

Presented by: Emma McKinley of Cardiff University

Description: The marine social sciences provide us with a diverse range of lenses to explore and understand people’s relationships with the sea. In addition, the expertise, skills, knowledge, and insight that can be gathered through marine social sciences are critical to effectively supporting sustainable ocean use and governance now and in the future. Launched in September 2018, the Marine Social Sciences Network (MarSocSci) is an international, interdisciplinary network to build community among and facilitate knowledge exchange between diverse stakeholders in the marine and coastal sector. MarSocSci provides a monthly newsletter, webinars, blogs, book clubs, and regional and thematic chapters. The network welcomes anyone with an interest in marine social sciences, including natural and physical scientists who want to know more about marine social sciences and are looking for collaboration opportunities. This webinar will discuss the importance of the marine social sciences, how the marine social sciences are being applied in different contexts, and ways the MarSocSci network supports the practice and application of the marine social sciences.

Co-sponsors: OCTO (EBM Tools Network, The Skimmer, OpenChannels, MPA News, MarineDebris.info)

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Feb 20 2021

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